Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is Congress Embarrassed?

The members of the United States congress should be hiding under their blankets right now. Burying their heads in shame and keeping a low profile when they go out in public. Why? Because they were shown up by an audience on the Letterman show. There are specific congress-people that stand out as should-be-embarrassed-but-aren't but frankly, at this point, they all should be embarrassed. A random collection of people who got free tickets to the Letterman show were better behaved than a room full of grown men and women getting paid inordinate amounts of money to sit there and listen to the President speak. While on Late Night with David Letterman, Barack Obama was able to talk about health care, life and a heart shaped potato while a small audience clapped, laughed and showed respect for the duration. Whether or not they agreed with the President it had to be refreshing to step into a place where you weren't going to be shouted down and disrespected.

It would be one thing to be an loud-mouthed senator well known for making jabs at the opposing party. Its quite another when there is such a large delegation booing and hissing that it became the story, not the topic of the speech. The most embarrassing part for the members of Congress isn't that they acted like children. Its like they acted like spoiled-rotten brats. George Bush was never a popular President, especially in the last years in office, there was never a story about him being shouted down in the halls of congress when talking about and unpopular war, or a declining economy, or torture, or misinformation about WMDs. Granted he had to dodge a shoe at some point but that was at a press conference, hardly the same as in the building that is the symbol of our country. No, the idea of shouting at our previous president would have had senators labeled as "terrorist" or "unamerican" or "unpatriotic." It was that mentality of "with us or against us" that made open disagreements so threatening to political careers for eights straight years. Unfortunitly, no one reminded to tell the Senate and House that the rules still apply. This is one country, people should actually be proud of it, and should show support for the people elected. So this is to the booers, the hissers, the people in town halls screaming like an infant in church; to the unpatriotic, terrorist-loving, freedom hating individuals that will rip the country limb from limb and leave pieces of it dangling from thier jagged mouths. It doesn't matter if everyone agrees but burn the flag in your own yard not on the floors of congress.

Luke- Who believes that whether or not you are a senator you should always try to be civil.