Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Socialist Self

"Are you a democrat? Or republican?" the lady asked me over the phone. Just one of a long line of queries she had about the up-coming presidential election.
"Neither," I replied "I am a socialist." Listening to the confused, if not stunned, silence on the other end before she continued to the next question I grinned thinking about how rare it must be to get such an answer. It won't be that way for long, soon the socialist party will be the American Party, "I am American! Watch me share!"
True I am getting ahead of myself but after making my brain bleed with hours of political rhetoric both online and on TV it is now evident that our country is stepping towards socialism. If you need any more proof just watch any recap of the last presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama, the now-infamous "Joe the Plumber" fiasco (which is almost not worth mentioning is so damned embarrassing). Using good 'ol Joe as a medium McCain illustrated how Obama wants to tax the rich to give to the poor, or to quote Obama himself, "Spread the wealth around."
Such a shameful thing to say, such a shameful thing to suggest that in the world of capitalistic ideals those with more should share. Sharing, a concept most of us learned in the first grade, of course that usually applied to things like cup cakes and gum, but as we get older we seem to realize sharing IS good, provided its not money. As a society we like to give, we love donating to breast cancer and prostate cancer, we give at the food bank and we pay local kids to wash our cars at the local hardware store parking lot. When it comes to raising taxes though, look out Joe Six-Pack-The-Plumber, or whatever your name is. Its not just the fear of raising taxes, its the fear that the taxes would go to those who have less. Whoa now this is not the capitalistic view, this is not social Darwinism, this is border-line Marxism according to Fox News, Bill O'Reilly and the entire McCain- Palin ticket. Rightly so, how dare we suggest that those with more should support the people with nothing, I mean Obama's tax plan applies to those who make $250,000 or more a year, $250,000?!?! Thats it?!?! I mean a person can barely feed thier family with that kind of money, I mean according to John McCain a person would have to make $5 million a year or more to be "rich"... keep workin Joe you'd only have to make 20 times what you make now to be "rich."
Underlying Obama's secret Pinko-Commie background is this. The fact that our government has now bought out several insurance companies and banks meaning that they own these companies. And if the government owns the companies and the people own the government (technically) than the people own the banks... the essence of socialism. So mark it down, in January, if Obama becomes president we will all share our money, but thats OK because we'll own the banks. As for me, I'm just getting a head start, begging for money until I am as rich as my next door neighbor and then when I am richer, giving it all back to him. If you want to find me check the library under Marx.