Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Students for Sustainability Club Starts Running

The Students For Sustainability Club restarted on the Linn Benton campus after taking a two year hiatus after a rough initial start. The club, centered around moving the campus in the right direction in terms of energy consumption and waste management, is seeing a fairly strong revival according to the advisor Lori Fluge-Brunker. The idea for the club began last spring with a start up petition looking for names of students that would be interested. The initial count was somewhere in the ten to fifteen students and that was before any official meetings had been held.
The goal of the club is to increase the awareness about sustainability on the Linn Benton campus. "The campus is behind" in terms of sustainability Ms. Fluge-Brunker said. Despite having a a campus committee dedicated to sustainability the progress has been slow. The campus serves the students; the idea is that this club will be the voice of the students eliciting changes and hopefully the students can push the campus to new ideas about how to manage waste, recycle, and introduce people to new ways to save energy.

What: The Students for Sustainability club
When they meet: Still TBA but should be sorted out soon
Latest Project: TBA
Contact Info: Advisor Lori Fluge-Brunker 541-917-4411

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